The concert I'm going to
write about is when I saw los bunkers, i first hear los bunkers around 8
or 9 years old, my sister show me songs like llueve sobre la ciudad or quien
fuera and i really like it, with the years i hear their songs more often and i
love them, in 2011 i went to a concert of them in chillan with my aunt and
cousin, i i was stand very close to the stage, i really enjoyed the show
because i sing all the songs and the concert have a long duration, a year ago i
saw them again in Concepcion, but i wasn’t excited like the first time. The
band was inactive a time but they released a new álbum called la velocidad de
la luz, i want to saw them again, but i couldn’t, i a year the band was
disolved i was very sad for don’t go to see them that time. Actually i’m still
listening them and i’m still love them, the Singer made his own band called
lopez and the others members made a band called lanza internacional. Last year
i went to a concert called la cumbre del rock chileno with my girlfriend and in
the afternoon plays Lopez, but i don’t know many songs of them and i was lost.
Actually i don’t know about what happens with the members of the band but i
still listening them sometimes with my girlfriend to remember that day
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