My weekend

The last weeknd i didn’t do many things, i went to the Costanera Center to buy some things and lunch, but the most important it was go to the bus terminal and next to the airport to stay with my girlfriend a time before she traveled to London and she stays a month there, it was very sad the goodbye, i miss her a lot. I stayed in cerro santa lucia because i needed buy materials and next to that i went to the university to work in a big model of a neighborhood i spent all the day with classmates doing that in the university that day, i arrived so late to my home because i live far away. The next day i went to a mall plaza with my uncle and a supermarket to buy some food to the week and lunch, i went again to the university but i stayed just a pair of hours because i needed work in a model in my home, so i arrived early and i do that , i think go again to the airport when my girlfriend comes back to Chile and enjoy things together


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